CT Managed Equity & Bond Class Z Acc

Essentials Portfolio Analysis Background Data Performance View PDF Factsheet
Portfolio data accurate as at:


Discrete performance - to last month end

Fund 3.4% 12.6% -11.0% 1.8% 12.0%
Sector -0.6% 12.7% -7.1% 1.2% 9.4%
Rank 22/147 90/155 145/165 65/173 21/188
Quartile 1 3 4 2 1

Annualised performance

3 Years to
5 Years to
10 Years to
Fund 0.5% 3.4% 4.7%
Sector 0.9% 2.9% 3.8%
Rank 110/165 52/147 23/104
Quartile 3 2 1

Top 10 Holdings

Stock % Weight
4⅛% Treasury Gilt 2027 1.66
½% Treasury Gilt 2029 1.37
¼% Treasury Gilt 2025 1.04
US TREASURY N/B 0.875 15/11/2030 0.97
US TREASURY N/B 1.00 31/07/2028 0.94
⅞% Green Gilt 2033 0.82
Total 12.42

Fund Aims

The Fund aims to provide a combination of long-term capital growth and income. It looks to outperform a composite index over rolling 3-year periods, after the deduction of charges. This composite index comprises: · 35% MSCI ACWI ex UK Index · 31.5% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex GBP (GBP Hedged) Index · 15% FTSE All- Share Index · 13.5% Bloomberg Barclays Sterling Aggregate Index · 5% Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) The Fund is actively managed, and invests at least 80% of its assets in other funds. The Fund usually invests in other Threadneedle funds, however, funds managed by companies outside the Threadneedle group may also be held, when this is considered appropriate. These funds may invest worldwide. The Fund focuses on investment in funds providing exposure to equities (company shares), and bonds (including corporate and government bonds). The balance of the exposure to these different asset types may vary over time, however, equity exposure will usually not exceed 60% of the Fund’s value, with at least 30% exposure maintained to bonds, under normal market conditions. The Fund may also hold money market instruments, deposits, cash, and near cash. Derivatives may be used with the aim of reducing risk or managing the Fund more efficiently, and up to 20% of the value of the Fund may be invested in funds that use derivatives for investment purposes. The composite index is representative of the Fund’s investment exposure, and provides a suitably weighted target benchmark of global equities (excluding the UK), investment grade bonds (hedged to sterling), UK equities, investment grade sterling denominated bonds, and cash, against which Fund performance will be evaluated over time.

Fund Overview

Mid (26/07/2024) 155.95p
Historic yield 1.35%
Fund size (31/05/2024) £1004.18m
Number of holdings 3802
Entry Charge 0.00%
Ongoing Charges 0.72%
Launch date -

Asset Allocation

pie chart
  International Equities 36.95%
  International Bonds 30.12%
  UK Equities 14.55%
  UK Gilts 11.44%
  UK Corporate Bonds 3.70%
  Cash and Equivalents 1.25%
  Property 0.77%
  Alternative Trading Strategies -0.02%
  Other Assets 1.25%
Portfolio data accurate as at: 31/05/24
Portfolio data accurate as at:

Asset Allocation

pie chart
  International Equities 36.95%
  International Bonds 30.12%
  UK Equities 14.55%
  UK Gilts 11.44%
  UK Corporate Bonds 3.70%
  Cash and Equivalents 1.25%
  Property 0.77%
  Alternative Trading Strategies -0.02%
  Other Assets 1.25%

Sector Breakdown

Expand allCollapse all
Industry Supersector Sector Subsector
Bonds 45.26% - - -
Technology 12.01% - - -
Technology - 12.01% - -
Technology Hardware & Equipment - - 6.49% -
Semiconductors - - - 4.60%
Computer Hardware - - - 0.83%
Production Technology Equipment - - - 0.82%
Electronic Components - - - 0.24%
Software & Computer Services - - 5.52% -
Software - - - 3.35%
Consumer Digital Services - - - 1.92%
Computer Services - - - 0.25%
Industrials 8.50% - - -
Industrial Goods & Services - 7.54% - -
Industrial Support Services - - 2.93% -
Transaction Processing Services - - - 0.97%
Industrial Suppliers - - - 0.80%
Professional Business Support Services - - - 0.67%
Business Training & Employment Agencies - - - 0.45%
Forms & Bulk Printing Services - - - 0.04%
Electronic & Electrical Equipment - - 1.56% -
Electronic Equipment: Gauges & Meters - - - 0.53%
Electrical Components - - - 0.48%
Electronic Equipment: Control & Filter - - - 0.34%
Electronic Equipment: Pollution Control - - - 0.17%
Electronic Equipment: Other - - - 0.04%
Industrial Transportation - - 1.21% -
Commercial Vehicle-Equipment Leasing - - - 0.38%
Railroads - - - 0.33%
Transportation Services - - - 0.28%
Delivery Services - - - 0.18%
Commercial Vehicles & Parts - - - 0.02%
Marine Transportation - - - 0.02%
General Industrials - - 0.91% -
Diversified Industrials - - - 0.44%
Containers & Packaging - - - 0.22%
Paints & Coatings - - - 0.21%
Glass - - - 0.04%
Industrial Engineering - - 0.63% -
Machinery: Industrial - - - 0.24%
Machinery: Construction & Handling - - - 0.22%
Machinery: Tools - - - 0.08%
Machinery: Engines - - - 0.05%
Machinery: Specialty - - - 0.04%
Machinery: Agricultural - - - 0.00%
Aerospace & Defence - - 0.29% -
Aerospace - - - 0.21%
Defense - - - 0.08%
Construction & Materials - 0.96% - -
Construction & Materials - - 0.96% -
Cement - - - 0.39%
Building Materials: Other - - - 0.27%
Engineering & Contracting Services - - - 0.11%
Building, Roofing/Wallboard & Plumbing - - - 0.10%
Building: Climate Control - - - 0.05%
Construction - - - 0.04%
Consumer Discretionary 7.76% - - -
Consumer Products & Services - 3.27% - -
Consumer Services - - 1.51% -
Consumer Services: Misc. - - - 0.90%
Vending & Catering Service - - - 0.54%
Funeral Parlors & Cemetery - - - 0.07%
Personal Goods - - 1.15% -
Clothing & Accessories - - - 0.66%
Footwear - - - 0.25%
Cosmetics - - - 0.15%
Luxury Items - - - 0.10%
Household Goods & Home Construction - - 0.31% -
Home Construction - - - 0.23%
Household Furnishings - - - 0.04%
Household Equipment & Products - - - 0.02%
Household Appliance - - - 0.02%
Leisure Goods - - 0.29% -
Electronic Entertainment - - - 0.18%
Recreational Products - - - 0.05%
Consumer Electronics - - - 0.04%
Toys - - - 0.02%
Recreational Vehicles & Boats - - - 0.00%
Retail - 1.69% - -
Retailers - - 1.69% -
Diversified Retailers - - - 1.24%
Apparel Retailers - - - 0.21%
Home Improvement Retailers - - - 0.20%
Specialty Retailers - - - 0.05%
Media - 1.65% - -
Media - - 1.65% -
Publishing - - - 0.98%
Media Agencies - - - 0.27%
Entertainment - - - 0.22%
Radio & TV Broadcasters - - - 0.18%
Travel & Leisure - 0.91% - -
Travel & Leisure - - 0.91% -
Hotels & Motels - - - 0.38%
Restaurants & Bars - - - 0.14%
Recreational Services - - - 0.12%
Travel & Tourism - - - 0.11%
Casinos & Gambling - - - 0.09%
Airlines - - - 0.07%
Automobiles & Parts - 0.24% - -
Automobiles & Parts - - 0.24% -
Automobiles - - - 0.22%
Auto Parts - - - 0.02%
Health Care 6.48% - - -
Health Care - 6.48% - -
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology - - 3.26% -
Pharmaceuticals - - - 3.09%
Biotechnology - - - 0.18%
Medical Equipment & Services - - 2.79% -
Medical Equipment - - - 1.69%
Medical Supplies - - - 1.01%
Medical Services - - - 0.09%
Health Care Providers - - 0.43% -
Health Care Management Services - - - 0.38%
Health Care Facilities - - - 0.04%
Health Care Services - - - 0.01%
Financials 6.44% - - -
Financial Services - 2.68% - -
Investment Banking & Brokerage Services - - 1.82% -
Asset Managers & Custodians - - - 0.88%
Investment Services - - - 0.78%
Diversified Financial Services - - - 0.16%
Finance & Credit Services - - 0.86% -
Financial Data & Systems - - - 0.78%
Consumer Lending - - - 0.08%
Banks - 2.13% - -
Banks - - 2.13% -
Banks - - - 2.13%
Insurance - 1.63% - -
Non-life Insurance - - 0.84% -
Full Line Insurance - - - 0.52%
Property & Casualty Insurance - - - 0.24%
Reinsurance - - - 0.08%
Insurance Brokers - - - 0.00%
Life Insurance - - 0.79% -
Life Insurance - - - 0.79%
Consumer Staples 3.67% - - -
Food, Beverage & Tobacco - 1.88% - -
Food Producers - - 0.94% -
Food Products - - - 0.94%
Beverages - - 0.52% -
Soft Drinks - - - 0.38%
Distillers & Vintners - - - 0.14%
Tobacco - - 0.42% -
Tobacco - - - 0.42%
Personal Care, Drug & Grocery Stores - 1.79% - -
Personal Care, Drug & Grocery Stores - - 1.79% -
Personal Products - - - 1.09%
Food Retailers & Wholesalers - - - 0.60%
Nondurable Household Products - - - 0.05%
Drug Retailers - - - 0.05%
Basic Materials 1.78% - - -
Chemicals - 1.35% - -
Chemicals - - 1.35% -
Chemicals: Diversified - - - 0.91%
Specialty Chemicals - - - 0.28%
Fertilizers - - - 0.15%
Basic Resources - 0.44% - -
Industrial Metals & Mining - - 0.36% -
General Mining - - - 0.27%
Iron & Steel - - - 0.04%
Metal Fabricating - - - 0.03%
Copper - - - 0.00%
Precious Metals & Mining - - 0.07% -
Gold Mining - - - 0.07%
Industrial Materials - - 0.01% -
Diversified Materials - - - 0.01%
Energy 1.73% - - -
Energy - 1.73% - -
Non-Renewable Energy - - 1.73% -
Integrated Oil & Gas - - - 1.27%
Oil Refining and Marketing - - - 0.14%
Oil Equipment & Services - - - 0.14%
Oil: Crude Producers - - - 0.10%
Offshore Drilling & Other Services - - - 0.07%
Pipelines - - - 0.01%
Renewable Energy - - 0.00% -
Renewable Energy Equipment - - - 0.00%
Non-Classified 1.34% - - -
Non-Classified - 0.01% - -
Non-Classified - - 0.01% -
Non-Classified - - - 0.01%
Real Estate 1.34% - - -
Real Estate - 1.34% - -
Real Estate Investment Trusts - - 1.14% -
Industrial REITs - - - 0.34%
Diversified REITs - - - 0.32%
Office REITs - - - 0.22%
Other Specialty REITs - - - 0.13%
Retail REITs - - - 0.04%
Hotel & Lodging REITs - - - 0.04%
Infrastructure REITs - - - 0.02%
Residential REITs - - - 0.01%
Real Estate Investment & Services - - 0.20% -
Real Estate Holding and Development - - - 0.19%
Real Estate Services - - - 0.01%
Utilities 1.33% - - -
Utilities - 1.33% - -
Electricity - - 0.53% -
Conventional Electricity - - - 0.53%
Waste & Disposal Services - - 0.41% -
Waste & Disposal Services - - - 0.41%
Gas, Water & Multi-utilities - - 0.39% -
Multi-Utilities - - - 0.37%
Water - - - 0.03%
Cash and Equivalents 1.25% - - -
Telecommunications 1.12% - - -
Telecommunications - 1.12% - -
Telecommunications Service Providers - - 0.75% -
Telecommunications Services - - - 0.71%
Cable Television Services - - - 0.04%
Telecommunications Equipment - - 0.38% -
Telecommunications Equipment - - - 0.38%
Alternative Trading Strategies -0.02% - - -
Alternative Trading Strategies - -0.02% - -
Alternative Trading Strategies - - -0.02% -
Alternative Trading Strategies - - - -0.02%

Regional Allocation

pie chart
  North America 38.47%
  UK 29.98%
  Developed Europe - Excl UK 15.93%
  Japan 3.60%
  Emerging Asia 3.57%
  Non-Classified 3.02%
  Cash and Equivalents 1.25%
  Developed Asia 1.11%
  Australia & New Zealand 0.92%
  Other Regions 2.15%

Fixed Interest Currencies

pie chart
  Non-Fixed Interest Assets 53.49%
  Pound Sterling 18.47%
  US Dollar 14.99%
  Euro 9.27%
  Cash 1.25%
  Yen 1.12%
  Other Currencies 1.41%

Regional Breakdown

Expand allCollapse all
Region Country
North America 38.47% -
United States - 36.98%
Canada - 1.49%
UK 29.98% -
United Kingdom - 29.69%
Jersey - 0.29%
Developed Europe - Excl UK 15.93% -
France - 4.19%
Germany - 2.10%
Netherlands - 1.87%
Spain - 1.60%
Belgium - 1.47%
Ireland - 1.12%
Luxembourg - 0.94%
Italy - 0.88%
Switzerland - 0.78%
Denmark - 0.45%
Sweden - 0.20%
Austria - 0.15%
Norway - 0.09%
Finland - 0.08%
Portugal - 0.01%
Japan 3.60% -
Japan - 3.60%
Emerging Asia 3.57% -
Taiwan - 1.09%
India - 0.95%
South Korea - 0.46%
China - 0.40%
Indonesia - 0.36%
Philippines - 0.17%
Malaysia - 0.05%
Thailand - 0.04%
Kazakhstan - 0.02%
Pakistan - 0.02%
Sri Lanka - 0.01%
Mongolia - 0.01%
Azerbaijan - 0.00%
Non-Classified 3.02% -
Cash and Equivalents 1.25% -
Developed Asia 1.11% -
Hong Kong - 0.70%
Singapore - 0.40%
Australia & New Zealand 0.92% -
Australia - 0.92%
Property 0.76% -
South & Central America 0.76% -
Mexico - 0.28%
Brazil - 0.14%
Colombia - 0.10%
Cayman Islands - 0.08%
Dominican Republic - 0.03%
Chile - 0.03%
Argentina - 0.02%
Peru - 0.02%
Costa Rica - 0.02%
Venezuela - 0.02%
Ecuador - 0.01%
Paraguay - 0.01%
Guatemala - 0.01%
Middle East & Africa 0.37% -
Cote D'Ivoire - 0.10%
South Africa - 0.09%
Egypt - 0.04%
Qatar - 0.03%
Saudi Arabia - 0.03%
Oman - 0.02%
United Arab Emirates - 0.02%
Angola - 0.02%
Nigeria - 0.01%
Morocco - 0.01%
Jordan - 0.00%
Zambia - 0.00%
Emerging Europe 0.26% -
Greece - 0.09%
Turkey - 0.06%
Poland - 0.06%
Hungary - 0.02%
Romania - 0.02%
Ukraine - 0.01%
Serbia - 0.00%
Czech Republic - 0.00%
Russian Federation - 0.00%

Breakdown By Market Cap (%)


Fixed Interest Maturity Profile

< 5Yr Maturity
5Yr - 10Yr Maturity
10Yr - 15Yr Maturity
> 15Yr Maturity
Cash And Equivalents
Unknown Maturity
Other Asset Types

Fixed Interest Quality Profile

Sub-Investment Grade
Unknown Quality
Cash and Equivalents
Other Asset Types

Top 10 Fund Holdings

Name % Weight Sector Country
1 CT Global Bond Class XGA 19.05% Managed Funds Managed Funds
2 CT Global Select Class XNA 17.42% Managed Funds Managed Funds
3 CT Sterling Bond Class XGA 10.35% Managed Funds Managed Funds
4 CT Sterling Corporate Bond Class XGA 7.84% Managed Funds Managed Funds
5 CT American Class XNA 6.35% Managed Funds Managed Funds
6 CT UK Class XNA 4.66% Managed Funds Managed Funds
7 CT (Lux) Global Corporate Bond Class XGH 3.49% Managed Funds Managed Funds
8 CT UK Growth and Income Class XA 2.74% Managed Funds Managed Funds
9 CT UK Institutional Class XA 2.22% Managed Funds Managed Funds
10 CT Asia Class XNA 2.19% Managed Funds Managed Funds

Top 10 Holdings

Stock % Weight Sector Country
1 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 1.93% Software & Computer Services United States
2 4⅛% Treasury Gilt 2027 1.66% Bonds United Kingdom
3 NVIDIA CORPORATION 1.54% Technology Hardware & Equipment United States
4 ½% Treasury Gilt 2029 1.37% Bonds United Kingdom
5 AMAZON.COM 1.13% Retailers United States
6 ¼% Treasury Gilt 2025 1.04% Bonds United Kingdom
7 ALPHABET INC 1.00% Software & Computer Services United States
8 US TREASURY N/B 0.875 15/11/2030 0.97% Bonds United States
9 US TREASURY N/B 1.00 31/07/2028 0.94% Bonds United States
10 ⅞% Green Gilt 2033 0.82% Bonds United Kingdom

Identification Codes

Sedol Code BMGRVZ0
Mex Code -
Isin Code GB00BMGRVZ03
Citi Code VMMU

Fund Charges

Entry Charge 0.00%
Ongoing Charges 0.72%

Aims and Benchmark

Aims The Fund aims to provide a combination of long-term capital growth and income. It looks to outperform a composite index over rolling 3-year periods, after the deduction of charges. This composite index comprises: · 35% MSCI ACWI ex UK Index · 31.5% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex GBP (GBP Hedged) Index · 15% FTSE All- Share Index · 13.5% Bloomberg Barclays Sterling Aggregate Index · 5% Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) The Fund is actively managed, and invests at least 80% of its assets in other funds. The Fund usually invests in other Threadneedle funds, however, funds managed by companies outside the Threadneedle group may also be held, when this is considered appropriate. These funds may invest worldwide. The Fund focuses on investment in funds providing exposure to equities (company shares), and bonds (including corporate and government bonds). The balance of the exposure to these different asset types may vary over time, however, equity exposure will usually not exceed 60% of the Fund’s value, with at least 30% exposure maintained to bonds, under normal market conditions. The Fund may also hold money market instruments, deposits, cash, and near cash. Derivatives may be used with the aim of reducing risk or managing the Fund more efficiently, and up to 20% of the value of the Fund may be invested in funds that use derivatives for investment purposes. The composite index is representative of the Fund’s investment exposure, and provides a suitably weighted target benchmark of global equities (excluding the UK), investment grade bonds (hedged to sterling), UK equities, investment grade sterling denominated bonds, and cash, against which Fund performance will be evaluated over time.
Benchmark Composite
Benchmark Category -
IA Sector Flexible Investment

Fund Background

Valuation frequency Daily
Valuation point -
Fund type OEIC
Launch price -
Fund currency Pound Sterling
Fund domicile -
ISA allowable Yes
SIPP allowable Yes

Distribution Details

Income frequency Annually
Distribution Type No income
Distribution Payment Basis Net


FE Crown Crown Rating of 1

Effect of Deductions

Assuming a growth rate of 6.00% Assuming a growth rate of 7.00%
- -

Fund Administration

Fund Trustee/Depository Citibank
Fund Administrator Citibank
Fund Registrar IFDS
Fund Custodian Citibank

Group Details

Group name Columbia Threadneedle
Group address Cannon Place 78 Cannon Street London EC4N 6AG
Group telephone 0800 068 4000
Dealing telephone 0800 068 4000
Email -
Homepage www.columbiathreadneedle.com
Fax number 0800 068 4001


Minimum Investment -
Minimum Top Up -
Minimum Regular Saving -
Settlement Period: Buy 4 days
Settlement Period: Sell 4 days
Pricing Basis Forward
Dealing Decimals -

Important Information

Ongoing charges may vary in the future and may be higher than they are now.

This factsheet is for information purposes only. If there is information or terminology included that you would like to discuss, then please contact an adviser. Investors should refer to their policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.