Baillie Gifford High Yield Bond Class B Inc

Essentials Portfolio Analysis Background Data Performance View PDF Factsheet
Portfolio data accurate as at:


Discrete performance - to last month end

Fund 4.1% -3.3% -5.9% 9.6% 11.8%
Sector 5.8% -0.6% -4.4% 9.5% 9.7%
Rank 21/26 25/29 22/29 15/29 3/30
Quartile 4 4 3 2 1

Annualised performance

3 Years to
5 Years to
10 Years to
Fund 4.8% 3.0% 4.0%
Sector 4.7% 3.8% 3.8%
Rank 15/29 19/26 9/22
Quartile 2 3 2

Top 10 Holdings

Stock % Weight
IMA E+3.75% FRN 2029 1.61
Teva Pharma 7.375% 2029 1.55
Neopharmed 7.125% 2030 1.52
Burford Capital 9.25% 2031 (144A) 1.41
Kier Group 9% 2029 1.40
Mercer Intl 12.875% 2028 (144A) 1.37
Virgin Media RFN 4.875% 2028 1.35
Ht Troplast Ag 9.375% 2028 1.34
Venture Global Delta LNG 8.125% 2028 (144A) 1.30
Brightline East 11% 2030 (144A) 1.25
Total 14.11

Fund Aims

Investment Objective The Sub-fund aims to produce a combination of income and capital growth. Investment Policy The Sub-fund will invest at least 80% in sub-investment grade bonds and will be actively managed. To the extent that the Sub-fund is not fully invested in sub-investment grade bonds, the Sub-fund may also invest in other bonds, shares, other transferable securities, money market instruments, deposits and cash. The bonds in which the Sub-fund invests will be denominated in sterling or denominated in other currencies and hedged back to sterling. The Sub-fund may use derivatives and currency forwards for both investment purposes and in the management of risk.

Fund Manager

Faisal Islam manager for 1 years

Photo of Faisal Islam Faisal is an investment manager in the Credit Team, co-managing our High Yield Bond Strategy. Before joining Baillie Gifford in 2018, he worked for four years at PwC where he qualified as a chartered accountant in corporate finance, before moving to Aberdeen Standard Investments in 2016 as a high yield credit analyst. Faisal graduated BSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2011 and is a CFA Charterholder.

Arthur Milson manager for 2 years and 2 months

Photo of Arthur Milson Arthur Milson is an investment manager in the Credit Team. He is co-manager of our high yield bond funds and a member of the High Yield Portfolio Group. Before joining Baillie Gifford in 2022, Arthur worked for abrdn/Standard Life Investments for 16 years, where he was responsible for managing a number of high yield funds. Arthur graduated BSc Biological Sciences from The University of Edinburgh in 1992, has a postgraduate diploma in Commerce from The University of Wollongong and is a Chartered Accountant.

Fund Overview

Mid (10/03/2025) 119.70p
Distribution yield 7.40%
Underlying yield 7.00%
Fund size (31/01/2025) £307.94m
Number of holdings 134
Entry Charge 0.00%
Ongoing Charges 0.37%
Launch date 28/02/2002

Asset Allocation

pie chart
  International Bonds 85.02%
  UK Corporate Bonds 13.07%
  Alternative Trading Strategies 0.83%
  Cash and Equivalents -1.48%
  Other Assets 2.56%
Portfolio data accurate as at: 31/01/25

Important Information

Source of portfolio data: Broadridge. Source of performance data: FE fundinfo. We can’t predict the future. Past performance isn’t a guide to future performance. The figures shown are intended only to demonstrate performance history of the fund, after allowing for the impact of ongoing charges, but take no account of product charges. Ongoing charges may vary in the future and may be higher than they are now. Fund performance is based upon the movement of the daily price and is shown as total return in GBP with income reinvested. The value of your client’s investment can go down as well as up and the amount your client gets back may be less than they put in.

This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only. Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

Portfolio data accurate as at:

Asset Allocation

pie chart
  International Bonds 85.02%
  UK Corporate Bonds 13.07%
  Alternative Trading Strategies 0.83%
  Cash and Equivalents -1.48%
  Other Assets 2.56%

Bond Sector Breakdown

Expand allCollapse all
Industry Supersector Sector Subsector
Bonds 98.09% - - -
Non-Classified 2.56% - - -
Alternative Trading Strategies 0.83% - - -
Alternative Trading Strategies - 0.83% - -
Alternative Trading Strategies - - 0.83% -
Alternative Trading Strategies - - - 0.83%
Cash and Equivalents -1.48% - - -

Regional Allocation

pie chart
  Developed Europe - Excl UK 43.28%
  North America 32.05%
  UK 14.31%
  Non-Classified 10.13%
  Australia & New Zealand 0.75%
  Developed Asia 0.48%
  Emerging Europe 0.47%
  Cash and Equivalents -1.48%

Fixed Interest Currencies

pie chart
  Euro 44.85%
  US Dollar 37.45%
  Pound Sterling 15.78%
  Non-Fixed Interest Assets 3.40%
  Cash -1.48%

Regional Breakdown

Expand allCollapse all
Region Country
Developed Europe - Excl UK 43.28% -
Italy - 7.98%
Germany - 7.87%
Netherlands - 6.37%
France - 5.90%
Luxembourg - 5.65%
Spain - 3.20%
Ireland - 2.96%
Austria - 1.34%
Norway - 0.79%
Sweden - 0.70%
Belgium - 0.51%
North America 32.05% -
United States - 31.18%
Canada - 0.88%
UK 14.31% -
United Kingdom - 13.07%
Jersey - 1.24%
Non-Classified 10.13% -
Australia & New Zealand 0.75% -
Australia - 0.75%
Developed Asia 0.48% -
Singapore - 0.48%
Emerging Europe 0.47% -
Poland - 0.47%
Cash and Equivalents -1.48% -

Fixed Interest Maturity Profile

< 5Yr Maturity
5Yr - 10Yr Maturity
10Yr - 15Yr Maturity
> 15Yr Maturity
Cash And Equivalents
Unknown Maturity
Other Asset Types

Fixed Interest Quality Profile

Sub-Investment Grade
Unknown Quality
Cash and Equivalents
Other Asset Types

Top 10 Holdings

Stock % Weight Sector Country
1 IMA E+3.75% FRN 2029 1.61% Bonds Non-Classified
2 Teva Pharma 7.375% 2029 1.55% Bonds Non-Classified
3 Neopharmed 7.125% 2030 1.52% Bonds Italy
4 Burford Capital 9.25% 2031 (144A) 1.41% Bonds United States
5 Kier Group 9% 2029 1.40% Bonds United Kingdom
6 Mercer Intl 12.875% 2028 (144A) 1.37% Bonds United States
7 Virgin Media RFN 4.875% 2028 1.35% Bonds Ireland
8 Ht Troplast Ag 9.375% 2028 1.34% Bonds Germany
9 Venture Global Delta LNG 8.125% 2028 (144A) 1.30% Bonds United States
10 Brightline East 11% 2030 (144A) 1.25% Bonds United States

Important Information

The Industry Classification Benchmark is a product of FTSE International Limited and has been licensed for use. This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only.

Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

Identification Codes

Sedol Code 3081671
Isin Code GB0030816713
Citi Code BE79

Fund Charges

Entry Charge 0.00%
Ongoing Charges 0.37%

Aims and Benchmark

Aims Investment Objective The Sub-fund aims to produce a combination of income and capital growth. Investment Policy The Sub-fund will invest at least 80% in sub-investment grade bonds and will be actively managed. To the extent that the Sub-fund is not fully invested in sub-investment grade bonds, the Sub-fund may also invest in other bonds, shares, other transferable securities, money market instruments, deposits and cash. The bonds in which the Sub-fund invests will be denominated in sterling or denominated in other currencies and hedged back to sterling. The Sub-fund may use derivatives and currency forwards for both investment purposes and in the management of risk.
Benchmark Investment Association Sterling High Yield sector average
Benchmark Category -
IA Sector £ High Yield

Fund Background

Valuation frequency Daily
Valuation point 10:00
Fund type OEIC
Launch price £1.00
Fund currency Pound Sterling
Fund domicile United Kingdom
ISA allowable Yes
SIPP allowable Yes

Distribution Details

Income frequency Quarterly
Distribution Type Interest
Distribution Payment Basis Net

Distribution Dates

Ex dividend date(s) Income payment date(s)
31 December 28 February
31 March 31 May
30 June 31 August
30 September 30 November


FE Crown Crown Rating of 1

Effect of Deductions

Assuming a growth rate of 5.00% Assuming a growth rate of 7.00%
4.20% -

Fund Administration

Fund Trustee/Depository NatWest Trustee and Depositary Services Limited
Fund Administrator Internal
Fund Registrar Internal
Fund Custodian Bank of New York Mellon Trust & Depositary Co. Ltd

Group Details

Group name Baillie Gifford & Co
Group address Calton Square 1 Greenside Row Edinburgh EH1 3AN
Group telephone 0800 917 4752
Dealing telephone 0800 917 4750
Fax number 0131 275 3955


Minimum Investment £1000
Minimum Top Up £0
Minimum Regular Saving -
Settlement Period: Buy 3 days
Settlement Period: Sell 3 days
Pricing Basis Forward
Dealing Decimals -

Important Information

Ongoing charges may vary in the future and may be higher than they are now.

This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only. Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

Important Information

Source of performance data: FE fundinfo. We can’t predict the future. Past performance isn’t a guide to future performance. The figures shown are intended only to demonstrate performance history of the fund, after allowing for the impact of ongoing charges, but take no account of product charges. Ongoing charges may vary in the future and may be higher than they are now. Fund performance is based upon the movement of the daily price and is shown as total return in GBP with income reinvested. The value of your client’s investment can go down as well as up and the amount your client gets back may be less than they put in.

This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only. Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

"Prudential" is a trading name of The Prudential Assurance Company Limited, which is registered in England and Wales. Registered office at 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AG. Registered number 15454. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.