Prudential PruFund Risk Managed 5 Account Ser E

Essentials Portfolio Analysis Background Data Investment Risk Performance View PDF Factsheet
Portfolio data accurate as at:


Discrete performance - to last month end

Fund 5.4% 5.4% 5.8% 7.0% 7.0%

Annualised performance

3 Years to
5 Years to
10 Years to
Fund 6.6% 6.1% n/a


31 December 2024 The quarter witnessed significant equity rallies and bond sell-offs, driven by central bank manoeuvres and political developments. Global government bond prices fell 5.4% despite widespread rate cuts. US government bonds experienced significant election-induced volatility, with the benchmark 10-year Treasury ending the quarter down 5.0% as the yield rose to 4.6% from 3.8%. A ‘tax and spend’ budget by the new Labour government, which sparked concerns over growth and inflation, put pressure on UK gilts. European bonds were influenced by political turmoil, with Italian government bonds outperforming French and German. Corporate bonds performed better than government debt.

Equity markets experienced a significant rally following the US presidential election. The FTSE World Index advanced 6.5%, culminating in a year-end return of 20.1%. US equities reached new highs post-election with the S&P 500 rising 5.9% in November. Over the quarter, the S&P 500 advanced 2.4%, resulting in an annual return of 25% (in US dollars). In the UK, the FTSE 100 Index delivered a small decline (0.2%) but finished the year with a total increase of 9.7%. European, Asian ex Japan and emerging market equities were among the weakest regions. From a sector standpoint, financials and technology outperformed the global market.

The US dollar experienced a strong rally following Trump's win. In the commodities market, Brent crude oil ended down 3.8%. Conversely, gold prices surged 27.1% in 2024.

The M&G Treasury & Investment Office (T&IO) outlook is cautious as much uncertainty remains.

Fund Aims

Objective: The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long-term (5 to 10 years or more) while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance. The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes UK and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and other specialist investments. The fund is actively managed and aims to limit the fluctuations ('volatility') the fund experiences, to 17% per annum (before smoothing). There is no guarantee that the fund will achieve its objective of managing the volatility below this limit.

Fund Manager

M&G Treasury & Investment Office manager of the underlying fund for 10 years and 2 months

Photo of M&G Treasury & Investment Office The M&G Treasury and Investment Office (T&IO) is our team of in-house investment strategists and ‘manager of managers’ for Pru in the UK. They are independent of the various underlying asset management businesses within M&G plc and carry out various stages of the investment process including setting the strategic asset allocation, manager selection and oversight and portfolio management*. The team includes investment professionals with expertise in capital market research, investment strategy design, liability management, derivatives and portfolio management.

Fund Overview

Bid (07/03/2025) 143.30
Offer n/a
Fund size -
Launch date 21/01/2019

Fund Charges

Annual Management Charge (AMC) 0.76%
Further Costs 0.29%
Yearly Total 1.05%
Portfolio data accurate as at: 31/12/24

Asset Allocation

UK Equities
North American Equities
UK Real Estate
Asia ex. Japan Equities
European Equities
Private Equity
Japanese Equities
Private High Yield
China Equities
Tactical Investment Opportunities
Middle East and Africa Equities
Asia Fixed Interest
US Investment Grade
UK Investment Grade
Global Emerging Markets Equities
India Equities
Asia Real Estate
North America Real Estate
Europe ex UK Real Estate
Other Factors
Emerging Market Debt
Cash & Equivalents
UK High Yield
US Treasury
Europe Investment Grade
Africa Fixed Interest
Europe High Yield
Global High Yield
Lower Risk Private Credit
US High Yield

Important Information

Because of changes in exchange rates the value of your investment, as well as any money you take from it, can go down as well as up.

We can't predict the future. Past Performance isn't a guide to future performance. For the range of PruFund funds, what you receive will depend on the value of the underlying investments, the smoothing process, our charges, and when you take your money out.

Source of portfolio data: Broadridge. Source of performance data: FE fundinfo. We can’t predict the future. Past performance isn’t a guide to future performance. The figures shown are intended only to demonstrate performance history of the fund, after allowing for the impact of fund charges and further costs, but take no account of product charges, or any Annual Management Charge paid for by the deduction of units. Charges and further costs may vary in the future and may be higher than they are now. Fund performance is based upon the movement of the daily price and is shown as total return in GBP with gross income reinvested. The value of your client’s investment can go down as well as up and the amount your client gets back may be less than they put in.

This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only. Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

Portfolio data accurate as at:

Asset Allocation

UK Equities
North American Equities
UK Real Estate
Asia ex. Japan Equities
European Equities
Private Equity
Japanese Equities
Private High Yield
China Equities
Tactical Investment Opportunities
Middle East and Africa Equities
Asia Fixed Interest
US Investment Grade
UK Investment Grade
Global Emerging Markets Equities
India Equities
Asia Real Estate
North America Real Estate
Europe ex UK Real Estate
Other Factors
Emerging Market Debt
Cash & Equivalents
UK High Yield
US Treasury
Europe Investment Grade
Africa Fixed Interest
Europe High Yield
Global High Yield
Lower Risk Private Credit
US High Yield

Important Information

Because of changes in exchange rates the value of your investment, as well as any money you take from it, can go down as well as up.

We can't predict the future. Past Performance isn't a guide to future performance. For the range of PruFund funds, what you receive will depend on the value of the underlying investments, the smoothing process, our charges, and when you take your money out.

This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only. Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

Identification Codes

Sedol Code BGN91X5
Mex Code PUTOA
Isin Code GB00BGN91X51
Citi Code PTQF

Fund Charges

Annual Management Charge (AMC) 0.76%
Further Costs 0.29%
Yearly Total 1.05%

Aims and Benchmark

Aims Objective: The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long-term (5 to 10 years or more) while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance. The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes UK and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and other specialist investments. The fund is actively managed and aims to limit the fluctuations ('volatility') the fund experiences, to 17% per annum (before smoothing). There is no guarantee that the fund will achieve its objective of managing the volatility below this limit.
Benchmark Not benchmarked
ABI Sector Unclassified


FE Crown Crown Rating of 5

Important Information

Because of changes in exchange rates the value of your investment, as well as any money you take from it, can go down as well as up.

We can't predict the future. Past Performance isn't a guide to future performance. For the range of PruFund funds, what you receive will depend on the value of the underlying investments, the smoothing process, our charges, and when you take your money out.

Charges and further costs may vary in the future and may be higher than they are now.

This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only. Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

Risk Analysis

Ratio Value
Alpha 6.65
Beta 0.00
Sharpe 12.92
Standard Deviation 0.24
Info Ratio 0.47

Important Information

Because of changes in exchange rates the value of your investment, as well as any money you take from it, can go down as well as up.

We can't predict the future. Past Performance isn't a guide to future performance. For the range of PruFund funds, what you receive will depend on the value of the underlying investments, the smoothing process, our charges, and when you take your money out.

The risk factor definitions are provided by Broadridge. These definitions may differ from those of Prudential or any underlying fund manager. The data itself is provided by Prudential or the underlying fund manager.

This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only. Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

Important Information

Because of changes in exchange rates the value of your investment, as well as any money you take from it, can go down as well as up.

We can't predict the future. Past Performance isn't a guide to future performance. For the range of PruFund funds, what you receive will depend on the value of the underlying investments, the smoothing process, our charges, and when you take your money out.

Source of performance data: FE fundinfo. We can’t predict the future. Past performance isn’t a guide to future performance. The figures shown are intended only to demonstrate performance history of the fund, after allowing for the impact of fund charges and further costs, but take no account of product charges, or any Annual Management Charge paid for by the deduction of units. Charges and further costs may vary in the future and may be higher than they are now. Fund performance is based upon the movement of the daily price and is shown as total return in GBP with gross income reinvested. The value of your client’s investment can go down as well as up and the amount your client gets back may be less than they put in.

This factsheet is for investment professionals and is for information purposes only. Should you wish to present any of this content to your client, please refer to similar pages on You should refer to your client’s policy documentation and supporting brochures for fund availability, investment strategy, any product information and charges. Every care has been taken in populating this output, however it must be appreciated that neither Broadridge, Prudential nor their sources guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.

'Prudential' is a trading name of The Prudential Assurance Company Limited, which is registered in England and Wales. Registered office at 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AG. Registered number 15454. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.