Funds A-Z.

The International Open Investment Range can invest in any asset which meets UK HMRC regulations subject to meeting our admissibility restrictions, this provides access to a universe of over 10,000 funds.

Use our simple filter process below to search for available funds. Please note that the list is not an exhaustive list of funds available within our International products and funds denominated in currency’s other than GBP are also available.

Further queries on fund availability should be directed to our Governance Team ( Please include the relevant fund ISIN number(s) and a copy of the fund prospectus where available.

Funds denominated in currency’s other than GBP are also available. Please be aware that the selection of any fund not on the listing below (especially any domiciled outside the UK) may require us to satisfy additional anti money laundering requirements or complete additional documentation, which could result in delays to your investment instructions being processed.

Canada Life International legacy products, ‘Dimensions Preference’ & ‘Portfolio Account Alpha’, are limited to the “International Core Plus Range” which enables policyholders to select funds in this listing only.

Canada Life International Assurance (Ireland) DAC policyholders may not be able to access the fund or specific share class in this online listing.

Fund Information current as at 13/12/2024.


This is not a consumer advertisement. It is intended for professional financial advisers and should not be relied upon by private customers or any other persons and is subject to change.

  • The adviser is responsible for ensuring that funds selected meet clients needs and remains accessible with permitted assets.
  1. Documents
Fund group Fund name
Asset type Currency ISIN
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME Social Impact Property Fund Class A Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BJK12987 GB00BJK12987 BJK1298 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME Social Impact Property Fund Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BJK12B04 GB00BJK12B04 BJK12B0 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME Social Impact Property Fund Class C Inc Income GBP GB00BJK12C11 GB00BJK12C11 BJK12C1 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME Social Impact Property Fund Class D Inc Income GBP GB00BJK12D28 GB00BJK12D28 BJK12D2 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME Social Impact Property Fund Class M Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BJK12H65 GB00BJK12H65 BJK12H6 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME Social Impact Property Fund Class N Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BJK12J89 GB00BJK12J89 BJK12J8 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME Social Impact Property Fund Class O Inc Income GBP GB00BJK12K94 GB00BJK12K94 BJK12K9 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME Social Impact Property Fund Class P Inc Income GBP GB00BJK12L02 GB00BJK12L02 BJK12L0 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME UK Infrastructure Income Fund II Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BP5GQC18 GB00BP5GQC18 BP5GQC1 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments ARC TIME UK Infrastructure Income Fund II Class C Inc Income GBP GB00BP50HT79 GB00BP50HT79 BP50HT7 Factsheet
Time Investments Time Investments Commercial Freehold Feeder Trust - CLOSED Class R Net Inc Income GBP GB00BWZMMG49 GB00BWZMMG49 BWZMMG4 -
Time Investments Time Investments Commercial Freehold Fund -CLOSED Class A Gross Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BLRZPX27 GB00BLRZPX27 BLRZPX2 -
Time Investments Time Investments Commercial Freehold Fund -CLOSED Class B Net Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BLRZPY34 GB00BLRZPY34 BLRZPY3 -
Time Investments Time Investments Commercial Freehold Fund -CLOSED Class C Gross Inc Income GBP GB00BLRZPZ41 GB00BLRZPZ41 BLRZPZ4 -
Time Investments Time Investments Commercial Freehold Fund -CLOSED Class M Gross Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BWWZ4T39 GB00BWWZ4T39 BWWZ4T3 -
Time Investments Time Investments Commercial Freehold Fund -CLOSED Class O Gross Inc Income GBP GB00BWWZ4W67 GB00BWWZ4W67 BWWZ4W6 -
TM OEIC TM Lansdowne European Special Situations Fund Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BTJRQ064 GB00BTJRQ064 BTJRQ06 -
TM OEIC TM Lansdowne European Special Situations Fund Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BTJRPZ43 GB00BTJRPZ43 BTJRPZ4 -
TM OEIC TM TM Oberon UK Core Fund Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B5839S67 GB00B5839S67 B5839S6 Factsheet
TM OEIC TM TM Oberon UK Core Fund Class B Inc Income GBP GB00B05MF837 GB00B05MF837 B05MF83 Factsheet
TM OEIC TM TM Oberon UK Smaller Companies Fund Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BQV37J70 GB00BQV37J70 BQV37J7 Factsheet
TM OEIC TM TM Oberon UK Smaller Companies Fund Class B Inc Income GBP GB00BQV37K85 GB00BQV37K85 BQV37K8 Factsheet
TM OEIC TM TM Oberon UK Special Situations Fund Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BG5Q5X24 GB00BG5Q5X24 BG5Q5X2 Factsheet
TM OEIC TM TM Oberon UK Special Situations Fund Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BG5Q5V00 GB00BG5Q5V00 BG5Q5V0 Factsheet
Triodos Investment Management BV Triodos IM Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund Class KI Acc Accumulation GBP LU1092519765 LU1092519765 BMW40W5 -
Triodos Investment Management BV Triodos IM Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund Class KR Acc Accumulation GBP LU0785617183 LU0785617183 BYYJD56 Factsheet
Triodos Investment Management BV Triodos IM Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund Class KR Inc Income GBP LU0785617266 LU0785617266 BYYJD67 Factsheet
Triodos Investment Management BV Triodos IM Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund Class KR Acc Accumulation GBP LU0785618587 LU0785618587 BYYJD78 Factsheet
Triodos Investment Management BV Triodos IM Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund Class KR Inc Income GBP LU0785618660 LU0785618660 BYYJD89 Factsheet
Triodos Investment Management BV Triodos IM Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund Class KR Acc Accumulation GBP LU2113918556 LU2113918556 BL69WK1 Factsheet
Triodos Investment Management BV Triodos IM Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund Class KR Inc Income GBP LU2113918630 LU2113918630 BL68YB3 Factsheet
Trium UCITS Platform PLC Trium UCITS Trium ESG Emissions Improvers Fund Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BKDV4411 IE00BKDV4411 BKDV441 -
Troy Troy Trojan Class O Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B01BP952 GB00B01BP952 B01BP95 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Class O Inc Income GBP GB0034243732 GB0034243732 3424373 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Class S Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B05M9S10 GB00B05M9S10 B05M9S1 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Class S Inc Income GBP GB00B05M9T27 GB00B05M9T27 B05M9T2 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Class X Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BZ6CNS31 GB00BZ6CNS31 BZ6CNS3 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Class X Inc Income GBP GB00BZ6CQ069 GB00BZ6CQ069 BZ6CQ06 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Class O Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BJP0XX17 GB00BJP0XX17 BJP0XX1 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Class O Inc Income GBP GB00BJP0XY24 GB00BJP0XY24 BJP0XY2 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Class X Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BKTW4R13 GB00BKTW4R13 BKTW4R1 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Class X Inc Income GBP GB00BKTW4S20 GB00BKTW4S20 BKTW4S2 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Fund (Ireland) Class X Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BMC49N98 IE00BMC49N98 BMC49N9 -
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Fund (Ireland) Class X Inc Income GBP IE00BMC49P13 IE00BMC49P13 BMC49P1 -
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Global Income Class O Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BNR5HJ67 GB00BNR5HJ67 BNR5HJ6 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Income Class O Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BYMLFK38 GB00BYMLFK38 BYMLFK3 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Income Class O Inc Income GBP GB00BYMLFL45 GB00BYMLFL45 BYMLFL4 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Income Class X Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BKTW4T37 GB00BKTW4T37 BKTW4T3 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Ethical Income Class X Inc Income GBP GB00BKTW4V58 GB00BKTW4V58 BKTW4V5 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Fund (Ireland) Class O Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B757JT68 IE00B757JT68 B757JT6 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Fund (Ireland) Class O Inc Income GBP IE00B6127M75 IE00B6127M75 B6127M7 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Fund (Ireland) Class X Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BF29RJ74 IE00BF29RJ74 BF29RJ7 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Fund (Ireland) Class X Inc Income GBP IE00BF29RH50 IE00BF29RH50 BF29RH5 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Global Equity Class O Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B0ZJ5S47 GB00B0ZJ5S47 B0ZJ5S4 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Global Equity Class O Inc Income GBP GB00B0ZJ0230 GB00B0ZJ0230 B0ZJ023 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Global Equity Class S Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B0ZJSN09 GB00B0ZJSN09 B0ZJSN0 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Global Equity Class S Inc Income GBP GB00B0ZJQY73 GB00B0ZJQY73 B0ZJQY7 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Global Income Class O Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD82KP33 GB00BD82KP33 BD82KP3 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Global Income Class O Inc Income GBP GB00BD82KQ40 GB00BD82KQ40 BD82KQ4 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Global Income Class S Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BD82KT70 GB00BD82KT70 BD82KT7 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Global Income Class S Inc Income GBP GB00BD82KV92 GB00BD82KV92 BD82KV9 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Income Class O Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B01BP176 GB00B01BP176 B01BP17 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Income Class O Inc Income GBP GB00B01BNW49 GB00B01BNW49 B01BNW4 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Income Class S Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B05M9V49 GB00B05M9V49 B05M9V4 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Income Class S Inc Income GBP GB00B05M9W55 GB00B05M9W55 B05M9W5 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Income Class X Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BZ6CQ390 GB00BZ6CQ390 BZ6CQ39 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Income Class X Inc Income GBP GB00BZ6CQ176 GB00BZ6CQ176 BZ6CQ17 Factsheet
Troy Troy Trojan Income Fund (Ireland) Class O Acc Accumulation GBP IE00B8255S12 IE00B8255S12 B8255S1 Factsheet
TT International TT International Asia-Pacific Equity Class H Inc Income GBP IE00BD9WVN77 IE00BD9WVN77 BD9WVN7 -
TwentyFour Global Investment Funds TwentyFour Global Investment Funds Corporate Bond GBP Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BSMTGJ19 IE00BSMTGJ19 BSMTGJ1 Factsheet
TwentyFour Global Investment Funds TwentyFour Global Investment Funds Corporate Bond GBP Inc Income GBP IE00BSMTGH94 IE00BSMTGH94 BSMTGH9 Factsheet
TwentyFour Vontobel TwentyFour Vontobel Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Absolute Return Credit Class AQN Inc Income GBP LU1331789377 LU1331789377 BYY3BD2 Factsheet
TwentyFour Vontobel TwentyFour Vontobel Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Absolute Return Credit Class I Acc Accumulation GBP LU1267852082 LU1267852082 BYXWT81 Factsheet
TwentyFour Vontobel TwentyFour Vontobel Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Absolute Return Credit Class N Acc Accumulation GBP LU1267852595 LU1267852595 BYXWTB4 Factsheet
TwentyFour Vontobel TwentyFour Vontobel Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Strategic Income Class AQN Inc Income GBP LU1322871630 LU1322871630 BYXDH79 Factsheet
TwentyFour Vontobel TwentyFour Vontobel Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Strategic Income Class N Acc Accumulation GBP LU1322871556 LU1322871556 BYXDH68 Factsheet
UBP UBP UBAM - Biodiversity Restoration Class KC Acc Accumulation GBP LU2351028977 LU2351028977 BKP5623 Factsheet
UBP UBP UBAM - Positive Impact Emerging Equity Class KC Acc Accumulation GBP LU2051765191 LU2051765191 BMXNND3 Factsheet
UBP UBP UBAM - Positive Impact Emerging Equity Class KD Inc Income GBP LU2051765274 LU2051765274 BMXNNG6 -
UBS Asset Management (Lux) UBS (Lux) Bond SICAV - China Fixed Income (RMB) Class (GBP) Q-Dist Inc Income GBP LU2376073172 LU2376073172 BM8Z4C0 -
UBS Asset Management (Lux) UBS (Lux) Equity SICAV - Long Term Themes Class Q (Hedged) Acc Accumulation GBP LU1340049755 LU1340049755 BYMB1M7 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management (Lux) UBS (Lux) Selection Fund – Active Solar Class I Acc Accumulation GBP LU2341110356 LU2341110356 BMHYQS8 -
UBS Asset Management (Lux) UBS (Lux) UBS (Irl) Investor Selection - Global Equity Long Short Fund Class Q-PF Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BYX24Z37 IE00BYX24Z37 BYX24Z3 -
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS FTSE RAFI Developed 1000 Index Fund Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BX9C1L56 GB00BX9C1L56 BX9C1L5 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS Global Allocation Fund (UK) Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B4MGDQ07 GB00B4MGDQ07 B4MGDQ0 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B7L34154 GB00B7L34154 B7L3415 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS Global Enhanced Equity Income Sustainable Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BL0RSN63 GB00BL0RSN63 BL0RSN6 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS Global Enhanced Equity Income Sustainable Class C Inc Income GBP GB00BL0RSP87 GB00BL0RSP87 BL0RSP8 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS MSCI World Minimum Volatility Index Fund Class C Inc Income GBP GB00BX9C1Q02 GB00BX9C1Q02 BX9C1Q0 -
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS S&P 500 Index Fund Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BMN91T34 GB00BMN91T34 BMN91T3 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS S&P 500 Index Fund Class C Inc Income GBP GB00BMN91V55 GB00BMN91V55 BMN91V5 -
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS S&P 500 Index Fund Class J Inc Income GBP GB00BMN91X79 GB00BMN91X79 BMN91X7 -
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS Sterling Corporate Bond Indexed Fund Class C (Gross) Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B95J1785 GB00B95J1785 B95J178 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS Sterling Corporate Bond Indexed Fund Class C (Gross) Inc Income GBP GB00B9LD6X50 GB00B9LD6X50 B9LD6X5 -
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS UK Equity Income Fund Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B4W58959 GB00B4W58959 B4W5895 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS UK Equity Income Fund Class C Inc Income GBP GB00B8034464 GB00B8034464 B803446 -
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS US Equity Fund Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B7V68L26 GB00B7V68L26 B7V68L2 Factsheet
UBS Asset Management UBS Asset Management UBS US Growth Fund Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B7VHZX64 GB00B7VHZX64 B7VHZX6 Factsheet
Unicorn Unicorn Mastertrust Class B Inc Income GBP GB0031218018 GB0031218018 3121801 Factsheet
Unicorn Unicorn Outstanding British Companies Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B1GGDH66 GB00B1GGDH66 B1GGDH6 Factsheet

Important Information

The fund performance on the factsheet provided is:

  • After all fund charges have been taken, excluding the initial charge (if applicable).
  • Assuming all income generated by the investments, after deduction of tax, remains within the fund.

Please bear in mind that past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of an investment and any income taken from it may go up and down. Investors could get back less than they put in.

Canada Life has no responsibility for the information contained in the underlying factsheets.

Performance data source: Lipper.