Funds A-Z.

The International Open Investment Range can invest in any asset which meets UK HMRC regulations subject to meeting our admissibility restrictions, this provides access to a universe of over 10,000 funds.

Use our simple filter process below to search for available funds. Please note that the list is not an exhaustive list of funds available within our International products and funds denominated in currency’s other than GBP are also available.

Further queries on fund availability should be directed to our Governance Team ( Please include the relevant fund ISIN number(s) and a copy of the fund prospectus where available.

Funds denominated in currency’s other than GBP are also available. Please be aware that the selection of any fund not on the listing below (especially any domiciled outside the UK) may require us to satisfy additional anti money laundering requirements or complete additional documentation, which could result in delays to your investment instructions being processed.

Canada Life International legacy products, ‘Dimensions Preference’ & ‘Portfolio Account Alpha’, are limited to the “International Core Plus Range” which enables policyholders to select funds in this listing only.

Canada Life International Assurance (Ireland) DAC policyholders may not be able to access the fund or specific share class in this online listing.

Fund Information current as at 13/12/2024.


This is not a consumer advertisement. It is intended for professional financial advisers and should not be relied upon by private customers or any other persons and is subject to change.

  • The adviser is responsible for ensuring that funds selected meet clients needs and remains accessible with permitted assets.
  1. Documents
Fund group Fund name
Asset type Currency ISIN
Allianz Global Investors (UK) Ltd Allianz Global Investors UK Total Return Asian Equity Class C Inc Income GBP GB00B1FRQV53 GB00B1FRQV53 B1FRQV5 Factsheet
Allianz Global Investors (UK) Ltd Allianz Global Investors UK UK Listed Equity Income Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BP5X3981 GB00BP5X3981 BP5X398 -
Allianz Global Investors (UK) Ltd Allianz Global Investors UK UK Listed Equity Income Class C Inc Income GBP GB00B82ZGC20 GB00B82ZGC20 B82ZGC2 Factsheet
Allianz Global Investors (UK) Ltd Allianz Global Investors UK UK Opportunities Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B8BB9445 GB00B8BB9445 B8BB944 Factsheet
Allspring (Lux) Worldwide Fund Allspring (Lux) Worldwide Fund Small Cap Innovation Class Z Acc Accumulation GBP LU2065732013 LU2065732013 BKTQPL4 Factsheet
Allspring (Lux) Worldwide Fund Allspring (Lux) Worldwide Fund U.S. All Cap Growth Class Z Acc Accumulation GBP LU0851225416 LU0851225416 B8FWGL9 -
Allspring (Lux) Worldwide Fund Allspring (Lux) Worldwide Fund U.S. All Cap Growth Class Z Inc Income GBP LU1013643306 LU1013643306 BHY3RK2 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Asia Class I Acc Accumulation GBP LU1049767517 LU1049767517 BK6YNF1 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Asia Class R Acc Accumulation GBP LU1049766972 LU1049766972 BLBN725 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Asia Class Y Inc Income GBP LU1070051708 LU1070051708 BTJRGR3 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Future World Class I Acc Accumulation GBP LU1049769646 LU1049769646 BK6YNG2 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Future World Class R Acc Accumulation GBP LU1049769133 LU1049769133 BLDYYN6 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Future World Class Y Acc Accumulation GBP LU1070052854 LU1070052854 BTJRGT5 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Global Impact Class R Acc Accumulation GBP LU1049765818 LU1049765818 BLBN714 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Global Impact Class Y Acc Accumulation GBP LU1070051294 LU1070051294 BTJRGQ2 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Glovista Fundamental Emerging Markets Equity Class PB Acc Accumulation GBP LU2181281739 LU2181281739 BK7Z654 Factsheet
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Indian Subcontinent Class I Acc Accumulation GBP LU1049768671 LU1049768671 BK6YND9 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Indian Subcontinent Class R Acc Accumulation GBP LU1049768085 LU1049768085 BLDYYH0 -
Alquity Investment Management Limited Alquity Indian Subcontinent Class Y Acc Accumulation GBP LU1070052268 LU1070052268 BTJRGS4 -
Amati Global Investors Amati Global Investors WS Amati Global Innovation Fund Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BKVF3N76 GB00BKVF3N76 BKVF3N7 Factsheet
Amati Global Investors Amati Global Investors WS Amati Strategic Metals Fund Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BMD8NV62 GB00BMD8NV62 BMD8NV6 Factsheet
Amati Global Investors Amati Global Investors WS Amati UK Listed Smaller Companies Fund Class B Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2NG4R39 GB00B2NG4R39 B2NG4R3 Factsheet
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Amundi Funds Absolute Return Multi-Strategy Class I2 GBP Acc Accumulation GBP LU1897298045 LU1897298045 BK77SH6 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Amundi Funds Emerging Markets Green Bond Class L2 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU2138388579 LU2138388579 BM97MY3 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Amundi Funds Emerging Markets Green Bond Class R2 hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU2347634581 LU2347634581 BM95G67 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Amundi Funds Emerging Markets Green Bond Class R4 Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU2347634318 LU2347634318 BM95G90 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Amundi Funds Japan Equity Engagement Clas l2 Acc Accumulation GBP LU2176991425 LU2176991425 BLCVQD2 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Amundi Funds Strategic Income Class R2 AD (D) Inc Income GBP LU1883846682 LU1883846682 BHLPZC9 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Amundi Funds US Equity Fundamental Growth Class J2 Acc Accumulation GBP LU1883855832 LU1883855832 BHLQ3B7 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Amundi Tiedemann Arbitrage Strategy Fund Class SI GBP Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BNK9T661 IE00BNK9T661 BNK9T66 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi Emerging markets local currency Class I2 Inc Income GBP LU2031984425 LU2031984425 BK77T62 -
Amundi Asset Management Amundi US Corp SRI Class IHG Inc Income GBP LU2183780134 LU2183780134 BKPV6D2 Factsheet
Aperture Investors SICAV Aperture Investors SICAV Credit Opportunities Class RXH GBP Acc Accumulation GBP LU1958554476 LU1958554476 5855447 -
AQR Capital Management AQR Capital Management Apex UCITS Class RAGF Acc Accumulation GBP LU1662497756 LU1662497756 BF4R8V8 -
AQR Capital Management AQR Capital Management AQR Apex UCITS Fund Class C1 Acc Accumulation GBP LU1532680706 LU1532680706 BYZN302 Factsheet
AQR Capital Management AQR Capital Management AQR Managed Futures UCITS Fund Class C Acc Accumulation GBP LU1103258270 LU1103258270 BY4JSV7 Factsheet
AQR Capital Management AQR Capital Management AQR Managed Futures UCITS Fund Class F Acc Accumulation GBP LU1103258510 LU1103258510 BYPBB02 Factsheet
AQR Capital Management AQR Capital Management AQR Managed Futures UCITS Fund Class K Inc Income GBP LU1322538627 LU1322538627 BD4DWS7 Factsheet
AQR Capital Management AQR Capital Management AQR Style Premia UCITS Fund Class C Acc Accumulation GBP LU1103258866 LU1103258866 BYP4KK4 Factsheet
AQR Capital Management AQR Capital Management AQR Style Premia UCITS Fund Class RAG Acc Accumulation GBP LU1662506176 LU1662506176 BF4RC38 Factsheet
AQR Capital Management AQR Capital Management AQR Sustainable Delphi Long-Short Equity UCITS Fund Class IAG1 Acc Accumulation GBP LU1842777788 LU1842777788 BD572T9 -
Aravis Capital Limited Aravis Capital Limited Spyglass US Growth Fund Class I Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BK6SBJ30 IE00BK6SBJ30 BK6SBJ3 Factsheet
Arbrook Investors Arbrook Investors Arbrook American Equities B1 Acc Accumulation GBP IE00BF0W1X07 IE00BF0W1X07 BF0W1X0 -
Arbrook Investors Arbrook Investors Arbrook American Equities B2 Inc Income GBP IE00BZ60K313 IE00BZ60K313 BZ60K31 -
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Corporate Bond Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BFZ91W59 GB00BFZ91W59 BFZ91W5 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Corporate Bond Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BKPWGV34 GB00BKPWGV34 BKPWGV3 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis European Select Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B6WFCR53 GB00B6WFCR53 B6WFCR5 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis European Select Class I Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B6WFCS60 GB00B6WFCS60 B6WFCS6 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis European Select Class I Hedged Inc Income GBP GB00B6WFCV99 GB00B6WFCV99 B6WFCV9 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis European Select Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B6WFCT77 GB00B6WFCT77 B6WFCT7 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited (LUX) Artemis Global High Yield Bond Class I Acc Accumulation GBP LU2031174779 LU2031174779 BK6S8T2 -
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Global Income Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B5ZX1M70 GB00B5ZX1M70 B5ZX1M7 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Global Income Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B5N99561 GB00B5N99561 B5N9956 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Global Select Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B568S201 GB00B568S201 B568S20 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis High Income Class I Monthly Inc Income GBP GB00BJT0KR04 GB00BJT0KR04 BJT0KR0 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis High Income Class I Quarterly Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BJMD6R83 GB00BJMD6R83 BJMD6R8 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis High Income Class I Quarterly Inc Income GBP GB00B2PLJN71 GB00B2PLJN71 B2PLJN7 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Income Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BHL2BR79 GB00BHL2BR79 BHL2BR7 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Income Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2PLJH12 GB00B2PLJH12 B2PLJH1 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Income Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B2PLJJ36 GB00B2PLJJ36 B2PLJJ3 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Monthly Distribution Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B75F9Z67 GB00B75F9Z67 B75F9Z6 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Monthly Distribution Class I Inc Income GBP GB00B6TK3R06 GB00B6TK3R06 B6TK3R0 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Positive Future Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BMVH5979 GB00BMVH5979 BMVH597 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Positive Future Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BMVH5B96 GB00BMVH5B96 BMVH5B9 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited (LUX) Artemis Short-Dated Global High Yield Bond Class I Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU1988889587 LU1988889587 BK58WC4 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis SmartGARP European Equity Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2PLJD73 GB00B2PLJD73 B2PLJD7 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis SmartGARP Global Emerging Markets Equity Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BW9HL132 GB00BW9HL132 BW9HL13 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited (LUX) Artemis SmartGARP Global Emerging Markets Equity Class I Inc Income GBP LU2498148571 LU2498148571 BPP1CR3 -
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis SmartGARP Global Emerging Markets Equity Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BW9HL249 GB00BW9HL249 BW9HL24 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis SmartGARP Global Equity Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BHL2C631 GB00BHL2C631 BHL2C63 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis SmartGARP Global Equity Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2PLJP95 GB00B2PLJP95 B2PLJP9 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis SmartGARP UK Equity Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BHL2C417 GB00BHL2C417 BHL2C41 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis SmartGARP UK Equity Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2PLJM64 GB00B2PLJM64 B2PLJM6 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Strategic Assets Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B3VDD431 GB00B3VDD431 B3VDD43 -
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Strategic Bond Class I Monthly Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BJT0KV40 GB00BJT0KV40 BJT0KV4 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Strategic Bond Class I Monthly Inc Income GBP GB00B2PLJS27 GB00B2PLJS27 B2PLJS2 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Strategic Bond Class I Quarterly Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2PLJR10 GB00B2PLJR10 B2PLJR1 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis Strategic Bond Class I Quarterly Inc Income GBP GB00BJT0KT28 GB00BJT0KT28 BJT0KT2 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis UK Select Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2PLJG05 GB00B2PLJG05 B2PLJG0 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis UK Select Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BD3GTF36 GB00BD3GTF36 BD3GTF3 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis UK Smaller Companies Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2PLJL57 GB00B2PLJL57 B2PLJL5 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis UK Smaller Companies Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BD3GTG43 GB00BD3GTG43 BD3GTG4 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis UK Special Situations Class C Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BHL2CC91 GB00BHL2CC91 BHL2CC9 -
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis UK Special Situations Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00B2PLJQ03 GB00B2PLJQ03 B2PLJQ0 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis UK Special Situations Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BB36JR17 GB00BB36JR17 BB36JR1 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis US Extended Alpha Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BMMV5G59 GB00BMMV5G59 BMMV5G5 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited (LUX) Artemis US Extended Alpha class I Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP LU1893893021 LU1893893021 BGYHYR3 -
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis US Extended Alpha Class I Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BYSZ0151 GB00BYSZ0151 BYSZ015 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited (LUX) Artemis US Select Class I Acc Accumulation GBP LU1893897287 LU1893897287 BGYHZ81 -
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis US Select Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BMMV5105 GB00BMMV5105 BMMV510 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis US Select Class I Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BYSYZX95 GB00BYSYZX95 BYSYZX9 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis US Select Class I Inc Income GBP GB00BWWZ2D39 GB00BWWZ2D39 BWWZ2D3 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited (LUX) Artemis US Smaller Companies Class I Acc Accumulation GBP LU2262941987 LU2262941987 BMW58X5 -
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis US Smaller Companies Class I Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BMMV5766 GB00BMMV5766 BMMV576 Factsheet
Artemis Fund Managers Limited Artemis US Smaller Companies Class I Hedged Acc Accumulation GBP GB00BK6RLD43 GB00BK6RLD43 BK6RLD4 Factsheet
Ashmore Investment Management Limited Ashmore Emerging Market Corporate Debt Class Z Inc Income GBP LU0860716223 LU0860716223 B945RQ8 Factsheet
Ashmore Investment Management Limited Ashmore Emerging Market Debt Class I Inc Income GBP LU0575375232 LU0575375232 B63CHS1 Factsheet
Ashmore Investment Management Limited Ashmore Emerging Market Debt Class Z Inc Income GBP LU0861576162 LU0861576162 B93KHR5 Factsheet
Ashmore Investment Management Limited Ashmore Emerging Market Frontier Equity Class Z Inc Income GBP LU0956123771 LU0956123771 BG6M1R5 Factsheet
Ashmore Investment Management Limited Ashmore Emerging Market Global Small Cap Equity Class Z Inc Income GBP LU0956119159 LU0956119159 BG6M1P3 Factsheet

Important Information

The fund performance on the factsheet provided is:

  • After all fund charges have been taken, excluding the initial charge (if applicable).
  • Assuming all income generated by the investments, after deduction of tax, remains within the fund.

Please bear in mind that past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of an investment and any income taken from it may go up and down. Investors could get back less than they put in.

Canada Life has no responsibility for the information contained in the underlying factsheets.

Performance data source: Lipper.